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  • 24岁的Kai Oishi获得扶轮基金会全球奖助金奖学金,以资助鹿特丹伊拉斯谟大学的海外硕士课程

    Oishi的扶轮奖将资助他在住房与城市发展研究所攻读一年的城市管理与发展硕士学位, where he will specialize in urban housing and land justice.

    Erica Helgerud ’20 7 June 2024 Posted In:
    日落时分,Kai Oishi站在外面的一片水域旁,背景是城市的天际线.
    Kai Oishi ’24Photo:

    当24岁的Kai Oishi考虑适合他在城市规划和可持续发展方面兴趣的奖学金时, 他一次又一次地从教授和同事那里得到同样的答案:去荷兰!

    Luckily, 学生奖学金主任Marynel Ryan Van Zee帮助他找到扶轮基金会全球奖助金奖学金, 这给了受助人选择学习内容和地点的自由, 只要它们符合扶轮基金会的重点领域之一—而大石的目标正好落在社区与经济发展领域.

    Oishi’s Rotary award will fund a one-year master’s degree in urban management and development 他就职于鹿特丹伊拉斯谟大学住房和城市发展研究所(IHS), where he will specialize in urban housing and land justice.

    “我的专业研究重点是创造更公平的环境, sustainable, and prosperous cities,” Oishi said. “我期待着学习更多关于解决经济适用房危机的知识, 我非常兴奋和荣幸能成为扶轮全球奖学金学生. I am grateful for this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity!”

    荷兰在城市规划和可持续发展方面处于全球领先地位, making Erasmus University Rotterdam the ideal place for Oishi, 政治学和心理学双学位,辅修公共政策, to pursue his master’s.

    “我期待着让自己沉浸在一个新的文化和环境中, living in a country I’ve never visited before,” Oishi said. “I’m especially excited about studying in Rotterdam, 因为它被称为“未来之城”,并以其现代建筑而闻名. Rotterdam’s architecture featured prominently in my Architecture Since 1950 course at Carleton; I can’t wait to see some of my favorite buildings, like Markthal and de Rotterdam, by my favorite architectural firms, MVRDV and OMA. 我也希望利用我在国外的时间,有机会去荷兰和欧洲旅行, 让我进一步探索城市政策的日常影响, planning, and design.”

    It’s not just the Architecture Since 1950 course that has prepared Oishi well for this experience; he says his entire time as a student-athlete at Carleton has led him to this moment.

    “我的奖学金是我在GG电子官方软件下载文科教育的高潮,”Oishi说. “The opportunity to take classes across many disciplines, study abroad, 在平衡体育和课外活动的同时进行研究,这让我发现并探索了我的学术兴趣. 我特别感谢我的教授们以及我与他们建立的关系, 因为在GG电子官方软件下载期间,我的教授们既挑战我又支持我. I also have to thank the incredible alumni network and the Career Center for their guidance; my fantastic internship experiences confirmed my desire to pursue the fellowship and a career in urban planning.”

    对于通过GG电子官方软件下载认识的人,Oishi有无数的感谢之词. Plus, 他总是鼓励其他学生充分利用他所获得的同样的机会和指导.

    GG电子官方软件下载拥有让你成功的一切资源,所以好好利用它们吧!” he said. “Not only have I received so much support, 但我也很享受和我的教授们建立的联系, the Writing Center, Career Center, and the fellowships office during my time at Carleton. The fellowships office, especially, 让我意识到我离开GG电子官方软件下载后的最佳机会,并帮助我制作申请材料. I was in constant communication with Marynel, sending numerous drafts of my essays to her and Melanie Cashin, director of the Academic Support Center, and receiving invaluable, in-depth feedback every time. Even after I was awarded the fellowship, Marynel一直在帮助我做决定,帮助我了解鹿特丹的生活细节!”

    The support Oishi talks about is also not limited to campus; Rotary, after all, is one of the largest service organizations in the world. 以获得扶轮基金会全球奖助金奖学金, 大石是由扶轮社的诺斯菲尔德分会赞助的, 它是一个更大的地区的一部分,包括明尼苏达州和威斯康星州的分会. 然后大石被那个更大的地区选为他们的候选人送去扶轮基金会, which then chose him for the award. Oishi想把他的精力传递出去,并在他到海外后更多地参与鹿特丹扶轮社.

    “我的奖学金活动的一个组成部分是运用我在城市发展方面的教育对当地社区产生积极的影响,” Oishi said. “我渴望与当地扶轮基金会分会的成员联系,并为他们的社区和经济发展倡议做义工! 我也希望在鹿特丹保卢斯克和荷兰仁人家园等当地组织做志愿者,解决住房问题, sustainability, and other local urban development issues.”

    欲知更多资讯及询问有关扶轮基金会及其他GG电子官方软件下载学生可获得之奖学金的问题, contact the Office of Student Fellowships.
